Why You Should Never Choose Cheap Hair Transplants

“Health is everything”, although many people fail to believe in this statement. However, when it’s about your well-being, no risk and dangers should be taken. Health is a field where cheap prices should never be prioritized above quality of services. It would be really a bad idea to go for low prices instead of seeking better treatment.


Choosing cheap surgery can give you undesired outcomes, but it can cause irreparable damage as well.

Let’s take a look at some reasons that will explain why cheap hair transplants aren’t worth the risk.

Never Visit Cheap Surgery Clinics

You can easily find cheap hair transplant in India as numerous clinics are sprouting every day. However, you’ll be shocked to know that many of these are unlicensed and perform the surgery illegally. It is these illegal centres that can be the greatest danger and they frequently offer the cheapest deals.

But, this doesn’t mean that every clinic is illegal or provides bad service in India. Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic in Mumbai is known for providing world-class transplant services and it has a long list of highly satisfied patients from India and abroad. It’s all about finding the right transplant clinic.

Finding The Best Surgeon And Clinic

To find the best hair transplant surgeon in India, you can search online. By visiting the website of the clinic, you can determine if the place is right for you or not. Look at social networking sites and Google reviews of the clinic. If someone had a bad experience at a clinic, then there’s a high chance that he might have reviewed the clinic on Google or social media sites. You can easily determine whether the clinic is good or not by reading the reviews on these websites.

Choose Quality Over Cost

In order to save money, we often go for cheap products while doing everyday shopping. Whenever we are doing shopping in bulk, we look for discount and low prices. This type of shopping is fine in other areas, but this shouldn’t be your approach while looking for a hair transplant surgery clinic. There’s a strong possibility that a clinic providing hair transplant at cheap prices might fail to deliver the desired outcomes. There are many cases where cheap transplants have delivered botched results that give more pain to the patients. This is the reason why you should always pick the best hair transplant surgeon and don’t fall for cheap services.

Long Term Risks

By choosing a cheap transplant, you’re taking a huge risk that can affect your health significantly. You must choose only the best clinic for hair transplant in India that is known for its top-notch services. Remember, getting treatment at unlicensed clinic can permanently damage you scalp, so it’s better to go for the best in the transplant industry.

Why You Should Never Choose Cheap Hair Transplants

Do’s And Don’ts For Your Hair Care

Proper hair care is important to make sure that you hair stay healthy & strong.

hair care

Let’s take a look at some Do’s and Don’ts for hair care.

Do Get Trims On Frequent Intervals

Even if you’re trying to grow long hair, still you need to get trims on frequent intervals as it ensure that there are no dry, dead or split ends. Remember, if neglected, split ends can cause too much damage by splitting the full length of the hair.

Do Get Scalp Massages

You must get scalp massage for best results by using olive oil or coconut oil, or by getting a deep nourishing hair mask. This can enhance flow of blood in your scalp, facilitating pressure and ending stress, the scalp and roots of the hair are moisturized by oils used in the massage.

Do Use Natural Hair Masks Regularly

Hair masks are extraordinary for renewing moisture and dampness to the hair and make it to look full, strong and healthy. A good hair masks are those that contain organic and natural contents. A number of these can be made at home with common items available in every home, which can be easily found in kitchen cupboards.

Note: These hair care tips are for everyday use. You need to consult your surgeon for special hair care that needs to be followed after getting hair transplant in India.

Now, let’s take a look at some Don’ts for hair care.

Don’t Over Wash Hair

Natural oils present in your hair will get removed, making your hair dry and brittle, if you wash your hair too often. You’ll be surprised to know that when hair is washed or cleaned more often, then it becomes greasier between the washes a lot quicker. This happens because the hair starts delivering more oil than what is lost in the washing. It’s suggested that hair should be washed between 1 to 2 times every week, to keep it strong and healthy.

Don’t Utilize Dyes And Harsh Chemicals

This is particularly vital if you have been losing hair, or if you had a hair transplant in India recently. It is because hair is more sensitive after a transplant surgery. Scalp aggravation can be avoided by simply staying away from harsh chemicals and dyes. Selecting more organic and natural items can prove to be gentle on the sensitive scalp, and such products are also packed with natural nutrients that can prove to be highly beneficial for your hair.

Don’t Use Heat When Styling

Hair ends up breaking and splitting as it dries out due to the high heat used in styling. To prevent damage to your hair, so use heat styling tools on the lowest heat possible. You can also use heat-defence products, such as sprays or creams.

Do’s And Don’ts For Your Hair Care

Is Hair Transplant Painful?

One of the most common questions that we often get asked at Harleys Hair transplant Clinic is whether hair transplant hurts or not. Let’s discuss this question in detail.

Understanding The Different Methods Used

To find answer of this question, first we need to look at what the different methods used. There are two main sorts of hair transplant methods used in widely in India – FUE and FUT.

With FUT (Follicular Unit Transplants) the strong hair follicles are expelled in tiny strips from the back or side of the head, also known as donor zone, and then it is harvested into the affected region. This method is marginally more invasive, so the healing and recovery time might be longer and there will be minor scarring as well.

On the other hand, in FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), the specialist will remove individual hair follicles that are then embedded into the bald area. This method leaves almost no scarring and has a speedier recovery time of 5 to 10 days.

Measuring The Pain

All we can say that there is just no getting away from the fact that hair transplant is a surgical technique, and therefore it needs utilization of local anaesthesia to limit the pain brought on to the patient. This normally, proposes that there might be some level of pain involved in the surgery. However, the anaesthesia is utilized to reduce any pain while the hair transplant surgery is going on.

Still, some patients do report that the procedure can feel a bit uncomfortable. However, as patients are conscious throughout the surgery, some do say that it feels more awkward or stinging instead of painful. This is because the patient is conscious while the treatment is performed, so the patient knows about what is going on and will encounter some sensation of pulling tingling while the surgery is done, but with the local anaesthesia this won’t really hurt.

Post-Surgery Pain

While the surgery itself shouldn’t bring about any pain to the patient, the area that has been operated with is probably going to feel a bit different after the treatment is finished. This happens because the tissues in the scalp have to deal with trauma, which will unavoidably result in redness and some swelling in the initial days.

In FUT, the donor area from where hair grafts has been expelled might be more delicate and take marginally more time to recover. However, patients are prescribed mild painkillers by best hair transplant surgeon in India to ease any post-surgery pain. Within a few days these symptoms will go away.

By and large, pain and discomfort are minimal or non-existent when it comes to hair transplant in India. This happens because the procedures and recovery times are usually quick.

Is Hair Transplant Painful?

4 Tips To Prevent & Reverse Sun Damage

Do you suffer from sun damage quite frequently? Have you developed sun spots on your skin and afraid to go to the beach or swimming pool? These 4 tips and treatments will help to prevent and reverse sun damage, and give you confidence to flaunt your skin without any fear.


Tip #1 – Use A Sunscreen To Protect Skin From Sun Damage


Remember, it is never too late to start a sun protection campaign, since sun damage is usually accumulative. So, always use a high quality sunscreen. Many people don’t know that even when the sun isn’t shining bright in the sky, there are still harmful UV (Ultraviolet) rays that can cause damage to their skin, which clearly means that you need to protect your skin all year round.


Sunscreen creams and lotions are successful in cutting down your daily sun exposure, which gives your skin some time to recover and your immune system the opportunity to repair damage that has already been caused. Sunscreen is also effective in reducing the risk of skin cancer, so never forget to apply some high quality sunscreen before going outdoors.


Tip #2 – Use Antioxidants


Another approach to avert damage caused by sun, and even help light up your skin tone is by including a strong antioxidant, for example, Vitamin C to your skincare routine and in your diet as well. Antioxidants battle against free radicals that cause sun damage to your healthy skin cells. Putting a layer of strong antioxidant on your skin before hitting outdoors can help to boost your SPF, providing you far more protection than before. Additionally, antioxidants accelerate cell repair by enhancing the tone and appearance of the skin.


Tip #3: Get A Skin Product To Fight The Existing Sun Damage


In case, you’ve failed to follow the first two tips, and the damage has already been done on your skin, then you need to buy a high quality product from a top brand that claims to remove dark spots caused by sun. These products have many ingredients that are beneficial for your skin, especially hydroquinone (HQ) is highly effective and targets only the hyper pigmented cells, while blocking the process of melanin generation, and thus improving your skin tone.


Tip #4 – Get Your Skin Exfoliated


By exfoliating the skin, you can easily expel the excess pigmentation from your skin. This allows the healthy cells to move to the surface faster as it removes the dead and damaged cells. You can utilise exfoliating scrubs, or recommended chemical to keep the skin working regularly. One of the best skin exfoliating treatments is microdermabrasion. There are many benefits of microdermabrasion and it can easily exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin. It also removes the negative impacts of sunburn from your skin.

4 Tips To Prevent & Reverse Sun Damage

Why Women Avoid Talking About Their Hair Loss?

Regardless of what your age is, hair loss can result in an unpleasant and traumatic period for a female. Also, for some females, it is something they don’t usually talk about, and opt to keep it a secret by utilizing headscarves or wigs etc.

In our society, hair loss among men is usually accepted. Not all men experience the ill effects of it, but a man with a retreating hairline is not a new thing for the society. However, hair loss in women is something that has not been accepted in Indian culture.

In India, most people think that for a female to lose her hair is abnormal and uncommon. In any case, a female suffering from hair thinning issue, or a subsiding hairline is not as uncommon cases as Indians may think. It is just that this problem has remained a concealed issue.

Let’s take a look at some reasons that cause hair loss in women.

1. Hereditary Qualities/Genes

Much the same as men, females can be helpless in front of hereditary qualities when it comes to baldness. This might be a direct result of hormonal imbalances, with baldness being the aftereffect of testosterone transforming into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

2. Trauma And Stress

Levels of testosterone are increased by stress, transforming it into DHT, which, then affects the hair development cycle. Additionally, trauma and stress can lead to choked blood supplies to the vessels creating an absence of oxygen and supplement intake, and in addition poor vitamin absorption.

3. Poor Diet And Nutrition

Poor nutrition, unexpected and quick weight reduction and an increase in utilization of unhealthy fats, along with deficiencies of zinc, protein, iron, and biotin diminishes the required levels for hair development.

4. Decreasing Health

There are numerous health problems that come with side-effects, one of which is baldness. Thyroid problem is only one of them. Additionally, some other problems are lupus, cancer, and myotonic dystrophy.

5. Strong Medication

There are different medicines such as steroids and birth controls that can result in baldness by disrupting on the hair development cycle. However, hair transplant in India is an ideal solution to bring hair back on your head.

6. Environmental Pollution

Toxins conveyed in air and water can lead to baldness, for instance, exposure to metals, chlorine and other minerals. When there is an impact on hormones balance in the body, baldness can appear.

7. Major Life Changes

Major changes in hormones amid pregnancy can result in temporary baldness. Menopausal females can encounter balding when their hormone levels shift as well. Huge life events can lead to stress and anxiety, which can likewise lead to baldness. Of course, when we age, hair follicles fall apart and can cause baldness.

Why Women Avoid Talking About Their Hair Loss?

How Chemical Peels Remove Acne Scars?

Acne is one of the worst nightmares for teenagers and for many grownups as well. However, acne often disappears after a person reaches a certain age, but the scars left behind by acne are far worse than acne itself.

It isn’t difficult to go to a medical store and buy many products like creams and medicines that claim to treat acne, but there are hardly any effective products available that can remove acne scars successfully. Acne scars are a problem that almost every sufferer would love to make vanish, however you need to look for the options available and choose the best treatment that can deliver outstanding outcomes.

No need to take stress anymore – ‘Chemical Peels’ are here to save the day. Never heard about Chemical Peels?

Let’s learn more this amazing skin treatment that can work wonders for your skin.

What Are Chemical Peels?

Also, known as AHA (alpha-hydroxy corrosive), or BHA (beta-hydroxy corrosive), chemicals peels are a treatment that is performed on the skin, usually on the face, neck or hands of the patient. They make the skin to exfoliate, and subsequently peel off eventually. The patient gets a smoother and softer skin after the treatment is over.

While Chemical peels are fundamentally intended to smooth out skin tone and smooth blemishes, there are diverse sorts of chemical peels that are used for various purposes. The first peel is often more ‘superficial’ that doesn’t go past the epidermis layer of the skin. This treatment is intended to smooth out skin tone and exfoliate gently.

dermal fillers

The second level of intensity is known as a ‘medium’ peel, which targets damaged skin cells on both the external and central layers of skin. It is intended to remove age spots, wrinkles and freckles.

The third is called as a ‘deep’ peel. Just like its name, this peel infiltrates deeply into the central layer of skin. It addresses wrinkles, spots, skin discolouration, and because of its deeper reach, it can be successful in removing shallow scars. It delivers the most distinctive result compared to any other treatment but, ‘deep’ peel should only be done by a qualified and the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai, who can carefully perform this treatment.

What Chemical Peels Do?

The concept of chemical peel is new in India, and some people might find it a bit weird to get Chemical treatment on their face. However, it is one of the safest and most reliable acne scar treatment in Mumbai that causes only a bit of stinging sensation when performed. The side-effects are similar to that of sunburn and other possible side-effects are irritation, redness, and crusting.

Chemical peels are a viable option, especially when it comes to deal with the acne scars. As the outer layer of old skin is expelled in chemical peel treatment, a new skin that replaces it is often smoother. Chemical peels are highly effective in reducing the appearance of scars.

How Chemical Peels Remove Acne Scars?

5 Bollywood Celebrities Rumoured To Have Hair Transplants

It is no more a mystery now that big names like Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt, and many more have opted for hair transplant surgery. This has produced interest among common man in India to find out more about what hair transplant is and how it can do wonders for them.

Common man in India is inspired by celebrities on a great level and they wish to know whether the big names have undergone hair transplant in India or abroad. People want to know why these celebs chose to visit a foreign country to get the transplant done. You’ll be surprised to know that most of the Indian celebrities like film personalities and cricketers have opted to get hair transplant right here in India instead of going to a foreign country.

Here a few reasons why these celebrities had hair transplant in India.

The Skills Of The Surgeon – One of the first things that any person looks in a surgeon is his skills & experience. They opt for the best hair transplant surgeon in India, who has the skills and qualified to deliver satisfying results. India has many surgeons who not only have skills that match the surgeons abroad, but also sometimes outdo them.

Technology Used In Transplant – After skills of the surgeon, the second thing is the technology used to perform the transplant. In India, you can easily get world-class hair transplant, whether it be FUE or FUT. The best hair transplant surgeon in India will perform surgeries by using State-of-the-art machines that guarantee outstanding results.

Without further ado, it’s time to reveal names of Indian Celebs who have had hair transplant in India:

  1. Salman Khan – Yes, our very own Bajrangi bhaijaan! Although he never confirmed, but rumours are strong that ‘Sultan’ had hair transplant surgery 2-3 times, mostly in abroad, but last time he underwent the surgery right here in Mumbai only. So, all the diehard fans of Salman – now is the time to say goodbye to your baldness problem just like your favourite superstar did!
  1. Sanjay Dutt – After from his legal troubles, hair loss problem also affected Sanjay Dutt’s career. However, it is rumoured that he had a hair transplant before ‘Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.’, and we all know that what this movie did for him – It proved to be a milestone of his career. So, if our beloved ‘Sanju baba’ had a surgery, then why can’t we have it?
  1. Akshay Kumar – Yes! If rumours are to be believed, then our very own ‘Khiladi’ also had hair transplant surgery. Rumour-mongers have said that before starting the shooting for ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa’, Akshay had hair transplant in India.
  1. Amitabh Bachchan’s – Would you believe that even ‘Shanshah’ of 70s & 80s Bollywood also had hair transplant procedure. Mr Bachchan went for transplant as a bald patch started to show up on his head.
  1. Aditya Pancholi – The star of the 90s suffered huge hair loss problem when he was at the top of his career. He faced many setbacks due to hair loss and his career also suffered. However, rumour-mongers told that he later got the hair transplant in India and got hair back on his head.
5 Bollywood Celebrities Rumoured To Have Hair Transplants

Did These 4 Bollywood Queens Have Botox?

Bollywood stars captivate millions of minds in India. But, how these celebrities manage to look so young and beautiful for so long? What’s the secret behind their 24×7 gorgeous look? Do they apply some secret creams or use medications? It’s not a secret anymore – your beloved Bollywood queens use Botox injections to keep wrinkles, fine lines and other facial age-aging signs away. You’ll be surprised to know that most Bollywood actresses use Botox to look younger than they actually are.

What Is Botox Treatment?

Botox is made from the bacteria which causes botulism. Nerve activity in the muscles is blocked by Botulinum toxin, slowing down the muscle activity. Botox injection temporarily relaxes facial muscles to reduce the visibility of wrinkles, fine lines, and prevent formation of new lines.

Some common facial areas where injections are applied are forehead, the corners of the eyes, the area between the eyebrows, and the sides of the chin. Apart from cosmetic purposes, Botox treatment is also used for a wide range of other health conditions, such as excessive sweating, migraines, and psoriasis.

Lets’ take a look at 4 Bollywood actresses who might have underwent Botox treatment according to the rumours.

1. Kareena Kapoor – Of course she denies getting Botox or any other cosmetic treatment and credits yoga for her flawless skin, but it’s difficult to hide the truth. It’s quite clear from her pictures that she had a few lines under her eyes a few years ago. Now, those lines are nowhere to be seen – Thanks to Botox surgery.

2. Bipasha Basu – The Bengali Beauty is known for her sharp attractive features more than her acting skills. However, recently she was seen with dimples on her cheeks, which weren’t on her face a few years ago. Don’t forget the disappearance of wrinkles from her forehead.

3. Preity Zinta – The ‘Kal Ho Na Ho’ star ruled hearts of millions of people for more than a decade. But, sings of ageing began to show on her face in form of fine lines. However, a year ago she was seen again with her flawless skin, and rumours are to be believed she got Botox surgery to regain her beauty and youth.

4. Madhuri Dixit – The real queen of Bollywood who ruled the film industry in 90s, got married and settled in US. However, a decade later she came back and joined the film industry again. Even after all these years her skin was bright as sunshine! We all were amazed with to see her still young and fresh after so many years. Rumour-mongers believe that she gets Botox treatment at frequent intervals to make sure that she looks as beautiful as a teenager. We don’t know what the truth is, but she does look gorgeous even after crossing the age of 50.

Did These 4 Bollywood Queens Have Botox?

6 Tips To Prevent Hair Thinning

There are different factors that cause hair loss problem in men and women. These reasons might be heredity, a few medical conditions, improper hair care, and/or poor nutrition. While no one can control the genetic design, there are you can take to slow down your hair thinning problem and even help in hair regrowth, develop thicker strands, and enhance the general wellbeing of your hair.

Are you facing severe hair thinning problem and looking for ways to resolve the problem? If yes, then these 6 tips can help you greatly. Try them today!


1. Keep An Eye On What You’re Eating

Your hair needs healthy food items to develop and to become stronger. Your diet needs to be filled with must-have fatty acids, protein, minerals, and vitamins. A few food items you need to ensure you’re routinely eating incorporate carrots, spinach salmon, lean meats, sweet potatoes, lentils, nuts & seeds, and yogurt.

Poor diet, such as deficiency of vitamins and not consuming enough protein, can eventually lead to hair thinning. Crash dieting or desire to get size zero can have same impact as eating a junk food diet. You need to make sure that proper nutrition goes into your body by eating:

  • A wide range of fruits & veggies every day
  • A lot of protein — Red meat and lean meat is an excellent source of protein, and those who don’t eat non-veg food can go for nuts, beans, cheese, and low-fat dairy products.
  • Based on your height, weight, and nutritional goals, you must eat the right amount of calories every day.

2. Leave The Hair Free

Avoid pulling up your hair, so you can try loose hairstyles. Brushing your hair too much, constantly wearing it in a tight braid or bun, and wearing hair extensions too often can all result in hair thinning and breakage.

3. Try Not To Overheat

Every now and again styling with high heat can result in damage harm and breakage. In case, you’re worried about your hair thinning, utilise heat on rare occasions.

4. Take Supplements

Some vitamins can help to support hair development and fortify your strands. Everyday replenishing supplements help to empower hair development by supporting hair at the cell level.

5. Stay Away From Gels, Sprays And Similar Items

Heavy hair products can have severe adverse effects on the quality of your hair. These products might make your already existing hair thinning problem even worse. You should instead use light products that add volume. Yes, it’s true that you can get hair back on your head with hair transplant in India, but it’s better to stop using these harmful products on your hair.

6. Get A Gentle Shampoo

You hair will become thin and even break if too many chemical are applied on them. So, always use a gentle & high quality shampoo that has low amount of chemicals in them.

6 Tips To Prevent Hair Thinning