Laser Treatment – The Best Way To Remove A Tattoo

Since the last decade, the prominence of tattoos or permanent body art has expanded significantly. It is evaluated that today, millions of people all over the world have one or more tattoo.

Many people who thought a tattoo would be something they would love to have forever, sometimes had a change of heart. Ageing, companionship, jobs, and developing families are for the most part contributing variables for this declining enthusiasm about what was once viewed as an amazing decision.

Do you know that the number of people who regret getting a tattoo is quite high more than you could imagine. It has been estimated that half of individuals who get tattoos later feel agitated for getting them. This is one of the major reasons why tattoo removal techniques have become so popular these days.

This quick development can likewise be ascribed to the increasing number of surgeons and laser facilities that are providing laser treatment for tattoo removal along with numerous other cosmetic surgery procedures.

  • What Are The Benefits Of Laser Technique?

Laser equipment can now expel tattoo ink permanently from many parts of the body. However, the cost and level of pain can be a bit more compared to the cost or pain that occurred while getting a tattoo.

Before the use of laser became common for laser expulsion around the mid 1990’s, expulsion techniques used at that time were scrubbing the skin with salt, dermabrasion, , Cryosurgery, Sal-Abrasion and even extraction and skin grafting.

Today, lasers utilise short, high-vitality pulses to expel undesirable ink and have been particularly created for permanent removal of tattoos or any other body art.

  • How It Works On The Skin?

Lasers work by focusing on the dark coloured pigment of the ink in the skin. A high intensity light pulse passes through the upper layers of skin where it is then specifically consumed by the dark pigment or ink.

Then, the powerful energy breaks down the tattoo ink into small particles, which are normally expelled by the cells or immune system in the body. For the most part, this restorative laser treatment is performed with practically zero harm to tissues surrounding the tattoo. Keep in mind that it’s not an easy treatment, so visit only the best facility for laser tattoo removal in Mumbai.

Remember, dark colours are easier to remove because they absorb all laser wavelengths. Lighter colours, specifically assimilate laser light and are accordingly harder to expel. But, there are particular lasers created to target lighter colours of ink, so ensure the cosmetic clinic you choose to offer services of lasers that can successfully focus on the particular colour of your tattoo ink.

  • How Long Will It Take To Recover?

Your skin may feel a bit sensitive or around the operated area for a few days following treatment and may stay pink or light red in colour for up to 3 weeks. Within a month the tattoo will start to fade away and eventually your immune system will expel the ink particles from your body. Just make sure you visit the best cosmetic clinic for your ink art removal treatment.

Laser Treatment – The Best Way To Remove A Tattoo

Will Your Breasts Look Natural After Breast Enlargement?

Breasts are one of the most admired features in a woman. Every woman has a set of breasts with different shapes and sizes. Nowadays, many women are choosing cosmetic surgeries to get the desired shape, size and volume for their breasts.

Women looking to get bosom augmentation are anxious about how their bosoms will appear after the procedure. Women are generally confused that whether their bosom will look fake or real, too small or too big, or just the size they wanted.

So, what’s ‘Natural Looking’ Breast Enlargement all about?

A natural or real looking enlargement surgery makes bosoms in the perfect shape and size proportionate to the whole body of the woman. At the end of the day, individuals won’t be able to tell whether the breasts are fake or real. The enlargement is performed nicely and the results look really well-balanced after the surgery or recovery.

Let’s take a look at some aspects that contribute to the more natural looking bosom surgeries.

  • The breasts will have a gentle slant and move towards the areola
  • The areola is on the most projected portion of the bosom
  • Just like natural breasts, the implants will also have a ‘tear drop’ shape
  • Compared to natural breasts, the cleavage is at a more similar distance

 We can say that it doesn’t look fake or artificial to people who aren’t aware that you underwent a surgery. It will be really difficult for anybody to ascertain that you had an enlargement surgery.

How To Get Natural Looking Breasts With Help Of Implants?

Remember, natural looking breast enlargement comes from cautious planning by the cosmetic surgeon and doing the surgery on a patient who has practical and realistic expectations from their results. When choosing bosom implants, you need to consider various points such as your body shape, width of the chest, daily activities, and physical exercises that require effort above the normal extent of daily activities, and your height and weight as well. Each of these factors will play a part in what will be ideal for you and your lifestyle.

What Will Look Best On You? Or What Size You Should Choose?

Many women are confused when it comes to these questions. While some women are quite clear about what they want from the breast enlargement surgery, others are not. It’s upon you to make the final decision, but the surgeon can surely help you by offering useful insights and tips to ascertain the best size and shape for your breasts.

By trying various sizes, you can easily decide the look that suits you best. You can also ask for your surgeon help and see before & after photographs of other patients to know what to expect from the surgery.

Will Your Breasts Look Natural After Breast Enlargement?

5 Steps To Accelerate Your Recovery From Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgeries can do wonders for people who aren’t happy with their current looks and overall appearance. Cosmetic surgeries are safe, reliable and one of the best options to look beautiful for a long time.

Cosmetic surgeries have varying recovery time periods. However, many patients wish to speed up the recovery time, so they can return to their usual lifestyle ASAP.

Here are 5 tips that can help patients to accelerate their recovery period.

1. There’s No Need To Push Through The Pain

If you’re encountering pain after the surgery, it is imperative to take the medicines given by your surgeon. Numerous patients will try unnecessarily to be “strong” and go through the pain, but it is imperative to control pain by taking the precautions and not giving it a chance to affect you severely.

Remember, blood pressure might rise due to extreme pain, and at times this could result in more bruising, which postpones recovery time. Furthermore, it is crucial to stay away from over-the-counter medicines. Consult your surgeon immediately if you feel extreme pain after the surgery.

2. Move On

Ensure that you get lots of rest in the first two or three days post-surgery. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to just constantly lie on the bed and do nothing. In case, you don’t feel like going out for a walk outdoors, you can still move around in your house or garden area to take some fresh air instead of doing nothing. Proper movement helps the body to recover at a good speed, and may also reduce the pain. It additionally reduces some common symptoms of prescribed painkiller medicines.

3. Avoid Workout

Many people are quite health conscious and want to return to their usual exercise routines quite quickly. However, you need to stay away from any form of exercise until the recovery period is completed. Even after getting full recovery it is imperative to do low intensity workout that doesn’t jeopardize the results of your surgery. If you’ve undergone a major cosmetic procedure like a breast surgery, then for the initial 4 weeks, it is essential to avoid being excessively active.

4. Wear Your Compression Garments

You may need to wear compression garment after some surgeries such as breast reduction surgery or breast enlargement surgery. By compressing the tissues, swelling and bruising is controlled by compression garments. This enables the patient’s body to reabsorb collected edema liquid. It also assists in contouring by stopping skin wrinkling and improving skin retraction. The appearance of the scars has often been significantly reduced due to pressure. Compression garments can make the scar flatter and less visible.

5. Say No To Alcohol & Smoking

All the cosmetic surgeons will ask you to stop consumption of alcohol and tobacco a few weeks before and after the surgery. Alcohol and smoking may have adverse effects on the outcomes of many cosmetic procedures like, Botox treatment. So, you need to stay away from these bad habits for some weeks before and after the cosmetic surgery.

5 Steps To Accelerate Your Recovery From Cosmetic Surgery

Important Things To Consider Before Hair Transplant

The present available medical solutions for getting back lost hair on people’s scalp who are suffering from hereditary type of hair loss are limited to just a few products; also these products are just effective in the early stages of hair loss. After losing a large portion of hair due to different factors, the only option left is to replace the missing hair.

People often choose temporary options like using wigs and hair concealers, or a permanent surgical option. There’s no doubt that Hair transplant is indeed the most effective way and the only permanent solution that offers amazing results in getting hair back on your transplant in India (2)

Hair transplant is all about transplantation of your own hair, which is taken from the back of your scalp to the balding area. The major limiting factor of this treatment is the shortage of donor hair and that’s the reason why many people fail to become an ideal candidate for hair transplant. The ideal candidate should have a decent hair density in the back of their head, and the hair should be thick and strong, the scalp’s flexibility and the difference between the colour of hair and scalp should not be too high, and the candidate should be in a good health condition.

Females generally suffer from a diffuse type of hair loss and that’s the reason why fail to become ideal candidates for Hair transplant. In some cases, it might become difficult to perform hair transplant on people who’re suffering from unpredictable issues of baldness like alopecia areata. However, the hair transplant surgeon can offer solutions for such problems also.

If there’s a major shortage of donor hair, then the hair transplant surgeon must be able to use the small amount of hair to deliver results which makes the head look like full of hair. This creates a risk in the transplant procedure, as in some cases it might happen that the patient might not like the results. However, you can get another transplant procedure, but in some cases the damage done is irreparable. That’s the major reason why hair transplant should only be performed by an experienced hair transplant surgeon.

India has become a hub of medical tourism and hair transplant is one of the major treatments sought by people from around the world. You’ll be surprised to know that cost of hair transplant in India is much lower compared to western and gulf countries. As cost of hair transplant in India is quite low, you can visit Mumbai, India to get a hair transplant performed by the best hair transplant surgeon.

Important Things To Consider Before Hair Transplant

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Facial Fat Grafting

To survive in this world, we need to stay quite careful and cautious about everything. Out of many harmful things present in this world, one of the cruelest things is – Chemicals. From our drinking water to the toys of our children, nothing is safe and is filled with life threatening chemicals.

Consistently it appears as though there are a greater number of things to be worried about than there are things to feel safe about. This is the reason, why many people are suspicious of numerous treatments and fail to trust products and treatments when it’s about their skin. nose-job-rhinoplasty

Who doesn’t wish to look good? Everybody loves to look good and have pleasant personality, especially when it’s about faces. As we age, imperfections such as wrinkles and fine lines develop on our faces, which diminish our beauty and attraction. When we see these skin defects, the first thing that comes into our mind is how to get rid of these imperfections and have a smooth skin again.

How to treat these minor skin defects, when we are always stressing over the chemicals and substances that we are using to nurture our skin? All of us are somewhat aware about the threats of various harmful chemicals present in some beauty products or in skin treatments. Despite the fact that the greater part of these worries have been sorted out, there should be a skin treatment that can be trusted completely.  The answer for this problem can be found in facial fat grafting.

First of all you need to ensure that the skin treatment is only done by an expert cosmetic surgeon. In facial fat grafting, the cosmetic surgeon gets a specimen of safe, human fat acquired usually from the patient’s body.

Fat is acquired carefully and painless from any body part where there may be an excess storage of fat. This fat is then securely infused into the face where the wrinkles, fine lines, gaps and dents are supposed to be filled. The advantages of utilising fat rather than chemicals are self-evident as there is a remarkably reduced chance of having a toxic reaction to something obtained from patient’s own body.

Facial fat grafting is neither any magical cure nor any type of weight loss procedure. However, it’s an amazingly safe treatment that utilises a type of graft to repair or reconstruct the skin imperfections. To see whether facial fat grafting is the best skin treatment for you, you need to visit a cosmetic clinic and consult an expert cosmetic surgeon.

The cosmetic surgeon will do checkups to figure out, if you’re an ideal candidate for facial fat grafting or not, and only after proper analysis the surgeon will perform the surgery. There are hardly any side-effects of facial fat grafting treatment. However, some swelling and redness might appear in some areas, which will disappear in 2-3 days.

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Facial Fat Grafting

Top Aftercare Tips For Hair Transplant

So, you had a hair transplant to remove your baldness, now what’s next? The hair transplant surgeon will give a list of precautions and after care steps which you have to follow to ensure a quick recovery and desirable results from hair transplant.

Here are some instructions which you need to follow after hair transplant. Have a look.

  1. Bring a family member or a friend who could drive you back to your home safely. This should be done because you will be under the influence of medicines and sedatives given before surgery. The effects of such heavy medications remain for a few hours, therefore it will be dangerous to drive back home on your home.
  1. If you had a micro graft treatment then a compression bandage will be wrapped on your head. This should be kept clean and remain in place for a day. Many procedures don’t use a bandage, but all types of surgeries involve stitches. Some of these stitches are dissolvable and for others you have to visit the clinic after a few months to get them removed.
  1. After surgery, use a couple of pillows to elevate your head and sleep in a semi-upright position for at least 3 to 4 days. Avoid touching or picking the newly grafted areas. Resist the temptation of touching the newly operated skin, no matter how itchy or sore it becomes. Pick or rubbing the newly grafted areas will make them fall even before they get a chance to grow into new hair.
  1. After surgery, for the first 72 hours you should stay away from alcohol. In fact, alcohol is very bad for your health and you should stay away from consuming it ever again. Quit smoking for at least 1 month before and after hair transplant.
  1. The hair transplant surgeon will prescribe you some medicines which you have to consume for a given time period. These medicines will protect you from infections and assist your hair growth as well.
  1. Consult the best hair transplant surgeon in India for the right time to wash your head using a shampoo after hair transplant. Proper washing with prescribed shampoo will remove the dead skin cells from the scalp which prevents any damage to the follicles from the scabs.
  1. Avoid playing any form of extreme physical sport for at least a month after the surgery to stay away from any complications. A little precaution will help the proper growth of hair on your head.
  1. Avoid sun exposure for longer time periods. Right after the surgery try to stay away from the Sun as long as possible. After a week, you a cap to protect the growth of your new hair. Later, after consulting the surgeon you can stop using the cap.
Top Aftercare Tips For Hair Transplant

How Hair Transplant Look Natural & When Hair Grows After Surgery?

Hair transplant can work wonders for you by re-growing the lost hair. In India, many of us still don’t have much knowledge about hair restoration surgery. This safe and effective treatment is the only way to bring hair back on your scalp permanently.


We have shortlisted two most frequently asked questions (FAQs) by people dealing with hair loss. These 2 Questions and Answers will help you to understand hair transplant surgery. Have a look.


FAQ #1 – What Makes Hair Transplant Natural And Undetectable


In hair restoration surgery, one generally wishes that the outcome should look as natural as possible, and one other desire of patients is that the results should not look obvious, or other people can’t point out that he had hair restoration surgery. At the end of the day, everybody wishes that it should not look detectable.


With advancements in technology, and skills & experience of the surgeon, it has become quite possible to accomplish this goal. Various points need to be kept in mind, so that the outcomes of the surgery do not appear obvious and the hair looks natural. When we consider the scars of the donor area, the two procedures used for extraction namely FUT and FUE are also important.


  • In FUT method, a strip of skin is extracted and the cut is repaired either with staples or sutures. Experienced surgeon uses the most effective closure techniques that make the scar almost invisible.


  • In FUE method, there are hardly any scars left behind on both donor and receiver areas as tiny holes are made in this method, which eventually heal in a few days.


After extracting the follicles, the experience, knowledge, and aesthetic approach of the surgeon play a crucial role in restoring the natural look of the hairline. While making slits and transplanting the follicles, the natural orientation of the hair should be considered so that transplanted hair grows in natural direction, or else the outcomes will appear unacceptable to the eyes.


Hair Transplant Clinics generally consider the features and age of the patient, with the goal that age & face appropriate hairline is re-established, and an unnatural looking low hairline is not developed. Remember, if the surgeon has good experience, knowledge and follows the guidelines, then it’s 100% possible to achieve natural looking result from hair transplant in India.


FAQ #2 – When To Expect Hair Growth After Hair Transplant?


After receiving hair transplant, growth of hair is a whole process that you need to understand properly. Remember, hair restoration surgery is not just a procedure that is performed today and starts yielding outcomes tomorrow. You need to consult every single detail about the surgery beforehand including all the post treatment developments.


After restoration process is completed, the grafts that have been harvested and transplanted into the balding area endure some shock, which makes them to go into the resting stage. Because of this shock the patient will witness temporary hair shedding and there’s no need to worry since this development is quite common after the transplant.


The rate of shedding may be different in every case, and it might go from partial shedding to complete shedding. This phase of temporary shedding usually begins 3 or 4 weeks after the surgery and can remain in effect for 2 to 3 months. The surgeon may prescribe a few medicines for this shedding procedure.


After the fourth month, the development of the transplanted grafts begins. In the starting phases, the development might be thin as every graft may not begin to develop at the same time. This happens because the distribution of development cycle is random, and not every hair is in the development phase at a given time.


Six months later, your hair starts becoming denser, strong, and lengthier. Full development is expected and generally achieved 12 months after the hair transplant surgery.

How Hair Transplant Look Natural & When Hair Grows After Surgery?