How To Deal With Issues That Might Occur After Hair Transplant

Generally, there a few problems or issues occur after a hair transplant surgery. Just like any other surgery, hair restoration also has a few side effects that occur after the treatment, but these can be controlled with proper medical help.


Let’s check out a few problems/issues that might occur after hair restoration treatment.


  1. Pain And Discomfort


Due to latest innovation & technology utilising cooling, pressure point massage, vibration and local anaesthesia given amid the treatment, there is negligible pain or discomfort.


Almost every patient has reported that the surgery is pain free. Pain or uneasiness at the site of operation after any method would be felt when the patient comes out from general anaesthesia. It’s inevitable to prevent some level of discomfort after the restoration procedure, but it can be controlled with medicines suggested by the surgeon.


  1. Swelling


We all know that after an injury or trauma, generally body responds and delivers swelling of that specific region. This is considered as a typical reaction and it proceeds up to 3 days from the damage of the injury or trauma. In transplantation surgery, this area is on the top of the head. So some swelling of the scalp skin will undoubtedly happen.


  1. Crusting


In restoration treatment, several strands are planted in a small territory within close proximity. From every planted site a drop of blood and other fluids overflows through. Therefore, on the very first moment the planted side resembles a territory filled with red spots.


As time passes by, the dried drop of blood and fluid begins to look dark and the entire territory of the planted hair is secured with a thin crust. As the planted region begins recovering, the new hair strands keeps on developing and push the crust outside away from the skin.


  1. Itching And Tingling Sensation


Itching and tingling is considered as an indication of recovery or healing process. This begins 4 to 5 days after the surgery. Irresistible tingling can be handled amid the day time by delicately touching the pointed end sterile bandage or napkin, but it should never be done with fingernails. Consult the best hair transplant surgeon in India.


  1. Numbness


After the restoration service is over, numbness in the donor and recipient area occurs due to by cooling, pressure point massage, vibration and local anaesthesia. Amid the post procedure stage, numbness of the scalp in the donor area remains due to inner swelling. As days pass by, the numbness is diminished and the feeling of touch returns slowly.


  1. Tightness


A patient starts feeling tightness in the treated area, when the impact of local anaesthesia starts fading. Patients describe this sensation as though the skin is squeezed tightly all the time. This can be more of a -discomfort than pain, but this might soon go away with the help of medicines. Usually, these costs of these medicines are included in the cost of hair transplant in India.


  1. Irritation Over Donor And Recipient Areas


After the first 2 to 3 days of hair transplant, a patient might feel tightness on the scalp due to swelling of the skin. After the tightness vanishes and the spots start to heal, the patient feels itching around 5th or 6th day onwards. With prescribed medicine and high quality shampoo, you can end this itching problem immediately.

How To Deal With Issues That Might Occur After Hair Transplant

Are There Any Scarless Hair Transplant Procedures?

Many people wonder if there’s truly a scarless hair restoration available. No need to worry anymore as there’s a hair transplant known as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), which certainly makes it possible.

Let’s take a look to know more about this amazing advanced hair restoration treatment.

How Scarless Hair Transplants Are Achieved?

Follicular unit procedures, the most mainstream type of hair rebuilding, is performed in two distinctive ways: Strip Harvesting or Unit Extraction. In conventional strip harvesting, specialists extract a long piece of the kin from the back of the scalp, which is then called as the donor area.

After that the remaining skin is sutured together and hair is expelled from the strip and set in the areas where hairline is receding like, around the crown or at the top of the head. The issue here is that the sutures by and large leave a scar at the back of the scalp, which is particularly visible if a man has a small hairstyle.

On the other hand, unit extraction is a procedure in which a tiny circular punch is made to extract follicular units with each comprising of 3 to 4 hair. These hairs are then transplanted at the area where hairs are receding. There are tiny holes left on the back of the scalp, which heals after sometime leaving small white dots that are really undetectable. So, we can say that’s it’s really a scarless hair restoration surgery.

Is The Hair Transplant Really Scarless?

The reality of the situation is that there is no scarless hair restoration procedure. It’s all about different types of scars and how less visible they are to other people. The scar from the strip method is significantly more visible, which makes it less popular among individuals who are looking for a transplant.

FUE has some scarring, yet the dots are basically invisible after the recovery period is over. This is the main reason that experts claim that it’s almost a scarless treatment. However, in recent developments, there have been changes in the strip method that have made its scarring less visible.

Is Scarless Transplant Right for You?

FUE is a standout among the most developed and trusted methods of transplant surgery. However, only an expert surgeon can determine if it’s right for you or not. There’s no doubt that FUE hair transplant has a reputation of being the only scarless treatment, but the recent advancements in the strip extraction technique has increased its popularity as well.

hair transplant

Hair transplant in India is no doubt the best solution if you’re experiencing a constantly receding hair line. It depends on you to choose the type of restoration procedure, but it’s crucial to consider all the facts and consult your surgeon before reaching any decision.

Are There Any Scarless Hair Transplant Procedures?